Rob Verhuur (Gent): 09 369 42 36 - Rob Rent (Brussel): 02 223 43 07 - Rob Location (Namen): 081 22 42 12
The transport price is determined based on the shortest distance from the yard to one of our locations in Lochristi, Londerzeel or Fernelmont. There is a division into 5 zones + a kilometer tax.
Enter the location of the yard:
Zone 1: € 50,00 / ride + 0,00
Zone 2: € 75,00 / ride + 20,00
Zone 3: € 100,00 / ride + 25,00
Zone 4: € 115,00 / ride + 45,00
Zone 5: € 150,00 / ride + 75,00
Zevestraat 2 - Lochristi
T. +32 (0)9 369 42 36
F. +32 (0)9 369 42 34
VAT BE 0425 100 916
Highway A12 17 - Londerzeel
T. +32 (0)2 223 43 07
F. +32 (0)9 369 42 34
VAT BE 0453 576 750
Rue du Tronquoy 3 - Fernelmont
T. +32 (0)81 22 42 12
F. +32 (0)9 369 42 34
VAT BE 0458 593 531
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