Rob Verhuur (Gent): 09 369 42 36 - Rob Rent (Brussel): 02 223 43 07 - Rob Location (Namen): 081 22 42 12

Calculate your transport rate

The transport price is determined based on the shortest distance from the yard to one of our locations in Lochristi, Londerzeel or Fernelmont. There is a division into 5 zones + a kilometer tax.


Enter the location of the yard:

Zone 1: € 50,00 / ride + 0,00

Zone 2: € 75,00 / ride + 20,00

Zone 3: € 100,00 / ride + 25,00

Zone 4: € 115,00 / ride + 45,00

Zone 5: € 150,00 / ride + 75,00

  • For urgent deliveries (orders for the same day or orders after 5pm for the next working day) a double journey will be charged.
  • For deliveries/collections where a forklift is required (poor terrain, unloading quay, etc.), the transport rate for the relevant zone (with kilometer charge and any surcharges) will be charged. From the 2nd hour of work/waiting time, €95/hour will be charged.
  • Additional permits are charged separately.
  • All prices are exclusive of VAT.
  • Rob Rent reserves the right to adjust transport prices without prior notice. This cannot be a reason to refuse to pay an invoice.